Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rules for this Blog


1. Absolutely NO profanity. Any comments with any profanity will be deleted.

2. ONLY administrators/authors of this blog may use colored text.

3. NO adult content allowed; keep this clean.

4. No trade offers at all are permitted. As wonderful as a modification may be to you, absolutely none of my mods that I have or will make in the future will ever be up for trade. Don't ask.

5. Say something in all comments, ok?

6. In response to the people thinking about bending rule #5, the content has to be related to this blog or to the post.

7. Be respectful to everyone; Especially authors (Like me).

8. Don't adjust text size in comments, but bold and italic text are appropriate.

Please follow all of these rules. Any attempt to break them...not tolerated.


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