Friday, June 25, 2010

The FAMAS! (It's a WIP)

Ah, the infamous FAMAS. I'm currently making a Lego minifigure-compatible version of the French assault rifle, but it's still a work in progress. I have the handle and the entire stock (Along with a shortened magazine to allow for a minifig to grip it). Surprisingly, it started out as a design in MS Paint that I didn't know would actually work out as grip-able by a minifigure. It's a bit rough, but the magazine was from my first glue-mod, so it should be messy.

Well, you will be seeing it completed in July after a large order is recieved, along with loads of other new, cool mods. All are planned out in mock-ups in MS Paint. The handle for this was taken from a failed mod using a BrickArms Space Assault Rifle (Which is based off the HALO Assault Rifle). The stock begins with a rectangle cut out from a BrickArms Precision Sniper Rifle's stock. It ends with most of a BrickArms Combat LMG's stock. It's not really the same black and doesn't have the kind of lust as the handle does because the Combat LMG was green originally. I have 3 green Combat LMGs (Free weapons from orders) and don't use them, and I cut one's stock off, glued it on here, and painted it black. Then I took the magaine from a BrickArms Micro SMG (Those are based off of Uzi Pistols (I think Uzi Pistols) mod I did with an extended magazine. I cut it at an angle on the bottom and glued it one here. I cut a section out of the Combat LMG stock before glueing it and painting it.As you can see in the first picture, it's grip-able.


1 comment:

  1. Hi, do you have a flickr account, you should upload your mods on flickr.
